Saturday 7 July 2018

The trade war began II

There are also European goods - steel and aluminium - which are also subject to an additional 25% duty.
Meanwhile, Beijing's attempts to form a common front with the European Union against the US president's policy have failed. After meetings of senior Chinese officials with European leaders in Brussels and Berlin, these proposals were rejected.
The Chinese will ask the EU to file a joint action against them with the United States at the World Trade Organisation, and also to come up with a joint document after the EU-Chinese leaders meeting on 16-17 July in Beijing.

Instead, Beijing is likely to open up its European investment economy and curb bans on entire sectors that are currently in place.
After this denial of China, it remains only a weapon against American myths - a devaluation of the yuan. China's central bank cut the yuan to the dollar before the introduction of tariffs.

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