Tuesday 3 April 2018

The Greatest Traders In The World And Their Deals II

Andrew Hall

Andrew Hall, a trader nicknamed the "God" of the oil and energy markets. He made one of the most accurate oil forecasts - both in terms of price and time. Hall becomes known for his extremely daring decisions, making use of his ideas to speculate on the financial markets.
The burst of the Internet bubble in the late 1990s led to a significant drop in US markets over the period 2000-2003. The question is not only what will happen to the US economy but also to the raw material that moves it - the oil. In 2003 oil trades at around $ 30. Andrew Hall makes an extremely bold prognosis that up to five years a barrel will be traded for over $ 100. What's more - Hall is so confident in his estimate that investing in it chooses financial products structured so that if it does not reach $ 100 in just five years, he will lose everything. After all, oil is at $ 100 a barrel almost five years later at the beginning of 2008. Andrew Hall receives a $ 100 million bonus from Citigroup's employer for a successful idea. We can only guess what amount the bank has earned from Hall's idea and courage.
A year later, Hall bets on expensive oil. This time, the raw material has declined significantly as a result of the global financial crisis. Hall once again surprises his colleagues with the decision to buy oil futures, like most investors, but to buy real oil. He buys and holds 1 million barrels of real oil in stock, arguing that this will be a more profitable option.
Andrew Hall is a brilliant speculator and quite deservedly takes second place in my ranking of the best traders of all time.

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