Wednesday 12 April 2017

Trumpicious uncertainties, hilarious models and the golden rally

After eight years of being the First Lady of the United States, Senator of New York for eight years, and Secretary of State for four, Hillary Clinton added „fashion muse” and „footwear model” to her highly important titles list, thanks to Katy Perry, who designed a pair of pumps in her honor. The pop star posted a genuine image of Mrs Clinton to her social media’s time line, captioned „POWER PUMP”.
While the ex First Lady models, the ex model and the current First Lady will be pumped up with somewhere about  $2.9 million by Daily Mail, but it’s not that thing that will pump up the power of her authority. The British media has apologized to Melania Trump and agreed to pay damages to settle a lawsuit filed by the First Lady after having published some false claims about her work as a professional model.
Apart from these models’ excitements Mr Trump is shuffling on the geopolitical scene, having revealed five different policies in two weeks and his administration is struggling to articulate a clear plan for Syria. The last released on 10th of April left the markets with no other choice except turning to safe havens, during this time of uncertainty. 
And basically the uncertainty is a very good thing for Gold, the best performer for the week, having shined more with $19.60 up yesterday. In my humble opinion we have three reasons to explain the golden rally - geopolitical tensions, uncertainty, matching up with where it should have been trading long ago.

Ahead of Ester, be calm, live happily in this complicated world, be good to yourselves and be careful with above mentioned uncertainty, because Gold is approaching critical resistance at $1278.

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