Tuesday 1 September 2015

Europe's migration crisis

Since the beginning of January 2015 more than 350 thousand migrants have crossed the Mediterranean.
The Mediterranean Sea is called the world's deadliest border because thousands of desperate migrants and refugees drown on unseaworthy boats trying to reach Europe from Africa and the Mideast.
Nobody knows the exact number of those who died. It is assumed that they are around 2,600 people, according to the International Organisation for Migration.
For comparison, in the past year in the EU were accepted 185 thousand immigrants which is a growth of 50% compared to 2013. Bulgaria is in ninth place for approved applications for asylum. The first place is for Germany with 47,500.
Only yesterday 3600 people were sent from Budapest to Vienna by train. The member countries literally shift the responsibility and finally the migration wave is ending Germany. 
And the German cities are already suffocating under the flow of foreigners.
Currently EU member states bargain over how many immigrants to be admitted in each of them.
Bulgaria expects to be again among the countries where most people will remain.
In the long term immigrants can become the engine of economic growth, but in short term, the poorest country in the EU can not afford the costs necessary for their integration and it is not a question of solidarity and economy.

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